proportion setter
proportion setter



Blackplanet logoSince 2006


1.9k following

62 posts

BlackPlanet members with no profile picture should not be allowed to view other profiles with pictures only those without

BlackPlanet members with no profile picture should not be allowed to view other profiles with pictures only those without

I don’t KNOW what this clown game was, I’m not with the BS

I don’t KNOW what this clown game was, I’m not with the BS

Why are you blasting your music I can hear it 3 blocks away, but your car is so dirty the neighborhood kids wrote wash me please!! on your back windshield

Why are you blasting your music I can hear it 3 blocks away, but your car is so dirty the neighborhood kids wrote wash me please!! on your back windshield

I'm writing the government to ask them to make ignorance a disability

I'm writing the government to ask them to make ignorance a disability