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585 posts

As your empathy expands, be sure to include yourself in the list of people for whom you have compassion...

As your empathy expands, be sure to include yourself in the list of people for whom you have compassion...

“When we have a good balance between thinking and feeling, our actions and lives are always the richer for it.” Cellist Yo-Yo Ma...

“When we have a good balance between thinking and feeling, our actions and lives are always the richer for it.” Cellist Yo-Yo Ma...

“We rise by lifting others.” Robert G. Ingersoll...

“We rise by lifting others.” Robert G. Ingersoll...

“Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It is sanity.” Author Katrina Mayer...

“Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It is sanity.” Author Katrina Mayer...

While it is lovely to take other people’s emotions into consideration, doing so should not come at the expense of failing to express your own. Maintaining clear and firm boundaries, when held from a place of service, compassion, and empathy does not mean you stand in judgment or avoidance of others. Don't let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace...

While it is lovely to take other people’s emotions into consideration, doing so should not come at the expense of failing to express your own. Maintaining clear and firm boundaries, when held from a place of service, compassion, and empathy does not mean you stand in judgment or avoidance of others. Don't let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace...

Empathize with the experiences of others and entertain the possibilities. A candle doesn't lose any light when it ignites another...

Empathize with the experiences of others and entertain the possibilities. A candle doesn't lose any light when it ignites another...

Be careful about overestimating your idea’s true value and underestimating the work required. Taking decisive action brings better results when you’re free from emotional attachments and ambitious expectations...

Be careful about overestimating your idea’s true value and underestimating the work required. Taking decisive action brings better results when you’re free from emotional attachments and ambitious expectations...

“Poor is the man whose pleasure depends on the permission of another.” Madonna...

“Poor is the man whose pleasure depends on the permission of another.” Madonna...

It's not wise to expect people to perceive the world exactly as you do. It's a form of self-absorption and naivete. Instead of staying too much in your own head, counter your doubts with positive actions...

It's not wise to expect people to perceive the world exactly as you do. It's a form of self-absorption and naivete. Instead of staying too much in your own head, counter your doubts with positive actions...

Sometimes wishing for something is better than having it. You could easily covet an item now that you won’t want later. If it’s truly meant to be yours, give it time and see if your object of desire will find its way to you...

Sometimes wishing for something is better than having it. You could easily covet an item now that you won’t want later. If it’s truly meant to be yours, give it time and see if your object of desire will find its way to you...