proportion setter
proportion setter



Blackplanet logoSince 2006


223 following

11 posts

Wow haven't been on this in years! What's going on out there?

Wow haven't been on this in years! What's going on out there?

Monday, lets start this week out on a good note.

Monday, lets start this week out on a good note.

shop, then the gym. after I'll pick up some movies and enjoy my day off. GM strangers!

shop, then the gym. after I'll pick up some movies and enjoy my day off. GM strangers!

sittin here 1hr30 to go..tick..tock

sittin here 1hr30 to go..tick..tock

ok I really hate this phone. *THREE AND HUMP! lol

ok I really hate this phone. *THREE AND HUMP! lol

Three hours to go on this Humo Day..then off tomorrow. Umm..Bar?

Three hours to go on this Humo Day..then off tomorrow. Umm..Bar?

Threw hours to go on this Humo Day..then off tomorrow. Umm..Bar?

Threw hours to go on this Humo Day..then off tomorrow. Umm..Bar?

Havent been on here in has this also been taken over by scammers, web CAM girls, etc etc lol? Wuddup real ppl out there!

Havent been on here in has this also been taken over by scammers, web CAM girls, etc etc lol? Wuddup real ppl out there!