proportion setter
proportion setter



Blackplanet logoSince 2005


296 following

104 posts

Face your hate and find love; still.

Face your hate and find love; still.

When do we grow too old to be who we wanted when we got older?

When do we grow too old to be who we wanted when we got older?

Sometimes i just want to disappear from everything and everyone...for six months...maybe one day I'll make it happen...

Sometimes i just want to disappear from everything and everyone...for six months...maybe one day I'll make it happen...

You have to know who you're fighting. Ask yourself is it the enemy or the inner me?

You have to know who you're fighting. Ask yourself is it the enemy or the inner me?

Golden Chocolate

Golden Chocolate

Jazz Kitchen last night, had to make some rounds in the audience.

Jazz Kitchen last night, had to make some rounds in the audience.

Give me a minute...

Give me a minute...

Art is Music Music is Art Both draw me....

Art is Music Music is Art Both draw me....

The Black Bruce Wanye/Batman

The Black Bruce Wanye/Batman

Let's learn something together. What can you say or do to stimulate my mind?

Let's learn something together. What can you say or do to stimulate my mind?