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"My main business is the saving of souls. This one thing I do"- Charles Spurgeon

"My main business is the saving of souls. This one thing I do"- Charles Spurgeon

let's be very clear, God will never send you a man that is willing to impregnate you and cohabitate with you outside of marriage. God's not going to send anyone to break His own statutes and instructions just to offer you some temporal joy. your relationships may feel nice but let's not pretend God is a part of it. God is not going to promote sin. Thee true God revealed in Scripture the Creator is consistent with his nature. God's moral guidelines that established what was sin 4000 years ago is still considered sin today. 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

let's be very clear, God will never send you a man that is willing to impregnate you and cohabitate with you outside of marriage. God's not going to send anyone to break His own statutes and instructions just to offer you some temporal joy. your relationships may feel nice but let's not pretend God is a part of it. God is not going to promote sin. Thee true God revealed in Scripture the Creator is consistent with his nature. God's moral guidelines that established what was sin 4000 years ago is still considered sin today. 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

I'll be real with y'all, part of the reason why I'm stalling with my podcast / vlogging is I've already made my peace with the fact that I'm likely going to get myself in all kinds of trouble. Haha

I'll be real with y'all, part of the reason why I'm stalling with my podcast / vlogging is I've already made my peace with the fact that I'm likely going to get myself in all kinds of trouble. Haha

I actually get defriended and blocked all the time. In fact, there's a possibility some of you reading this eventually will severe ties with me eventually down the line. And it won't be because I sent inappropriate photos or I used bad language calling you out your name. You are going to remove me because I'm going to quote the Bible to you and you're not going to like it.

I actually get defriended and blocked all the time. In fact, there's a possibility some of you reading this eventually will severe ties with me eventually down the line. And it won't be because I sent inappropriate photos or I used bad language calling you out your name. You are going to remove me because I'm going to quote the Bible to you and you're not going to like it.

Recently took one of my brothers in Christ to lunch/dinner. Second week in a row we went and the same lady attended to us. A pretty lady might I add. We returned exactly a week after and before I can tell her my name for the order, she remembered my name. I even offered her a motorcycle ride but I think I caught her off guard and she declined as she giggled. It's always nice to see even during covid people haven't lost their sense of humor and their desire to connect with other people.

Recently took one of my brothers in Christ to lunch/dinner. Second week in a row we went and the same lady attended to us. A pretty lady might I add. We returned exactly a week after and before I can tell her my name for the order, she remembered my name. I even offered her a motorcycle ride but I think I caught her off guard and she declined as she giggled. It's always nice to see even during covid people haven't lost their sense of humor and their desire to connect with other people.

Believe it or not once upon a time I also believed in the white privilege myth. But that immediately was debunked when I started going out more as an adult visiting more cities in the west side of Los Angeles and encountered countless homeless people whom were White/Caucasian. I was told growing up in my community so much that white people had some type of advantage here in the United States that I initially thought the white/Caucasian homeless people that I had observed were faking. But upon closer examination with their living conditions and odors I realized this wasn't a joke. As Americans and even those whom migrate to America we all have the same opportunities. What you decide to do with your life is up to you. If you don't succeed don't blame the government or our white Caucasian brothers and sisters. Blame the person staring back at you in the mirror. That person is 100% accountable for what happens to you in this life.

Believe it or not once upon a time I also believed in the white privilege myth. But that immediately was debunked when I started going out more as an adult visiting more cities in the west side of Los Angeles and encountered countless homeless people whom were White/Caucasian. I was told growing up in my community so much that white people had some type of advantage here in the United States that I initially thought the white/Caucasian homeless people that I had observed were faking. But upon closer examination with their living conditions and odors I realized this wasn't a joke. As Americans and even those whom migrate to America we all have the same opportunities. What you decide to do with your life is up to you. If you don't succeed don't blame the government or our white Caucasian brothers and sisters. Blame the person staring back at you in the mirror. That person is 100% accountable for what happens to you in this life.

In order for you to insult me, I must first respect your opinion.

In order for you to insult me, I must first respect your opinion.

Don't let people trick you and pretend they are much smarter than what you have observed in their lives. Their lives testify to their strengths ,limitations, their level of wisdom, character, integrity if there is any and their poor life choices. Can't tell you how many times I've had people attempt to lecture me about making wise decisions while their lives are still in shambles. Demonstrate you know what you are talking about by how you live your life. And if they are mature, even following the one and True God that's going to reflect in their lives as well. It won't be a secret, their lives will demonstrate it clearly.

Don't let people trick you and pretend they are much smarter than what you have observed in their lives. Their lives testify to their strengths ,limitations, their level of wisdom, character, integrity if there is any and their poor life choices. Can't tell you how many times I've had people attempt to lecture me about making wise decisions while their lives are still in shambles. Demonstrate you know what you are talking about by how you live your life. And if they are mature, even following the one and True God that's going to reflect in their lives as well. It won't be a secret, their lives will demonstrate it clearly.

Ladies, if you are planning to be married in a long-term relationship you had better start studying what the more decent men desire instead of what your imagination thinks men want. When it comes down to it a marriage is about serving one another. But, you have to first actually start showing interest in men whom are marriage material in the first place. It's impossible to obtain if you don't even know what traits to look for.

Ladies, if you are planning to be married in a long-term relationship you had better start studying what the more decent men desire instead of what your imagination thinks men want. When it comes down to it a marriage is about serving one another. But, you have to first actually start showing interest in men whom are marriage material in the first place. It's impossible to obtain if you don't even know what traits to look for.

I don't think any red blooded man would deny being attracted to an attractive woman. However, the idea of spending your the rest of your life with someone whom is willing to practically strip on social media to get attention isn't all that appealing for a long-term relationship.

I don't think any red blooded man would deny being attracted to an attractive woman. However, the idea of spending your the rest of your life with someone whom is willing to practically strip on social media to get attention isn't all that appealing for a long-term relationship.