proportion setter
proportion setter



Blackplanet logoSince 2003


51 following

229 posts

visiting Houston for the weekend - what’s a good day event?

visiting Houston for the weekend - what’s a good day event?

Good morning beautiful how are you doing? my name is (fill in the blank), I came across your profile and I like what I see and would like to get to know you if you are interested get back to me lovely/sexy/intelligent queen.

Good morning beautiful how are you doing? my name is (fill in the blank), I came across your profile and I like what I see and would like to get to know you if you are interested get back to me lovely/sexy/intelligent queen.

every few weeks I just want to walk away from everything/everyone and not look back - people are draining

every few weeks I just want to walk away from everything/everyone and not look back - people are draining

why does the word F*CK sound so good … it’s that CK sound - strong

why does the word F*CK sound so good … it’s that CK sound - strong

I would be ok if the Internet would cut off at 9pm everyday - y’all need to just take a break

I would be ok if the Internet would cut off at 9pm everyday - y’all need to just take a break

dating sucks so bad

dating sucks so bad

I keep having in depth conversations with conservative people. LOL Yeah I understand you - but you are still wrong.

I keep having in depth conversations with conservative people. LOL Yeah I understand you - but you are still wrong.

Some of yall are underutilizing the BLOCK button

Some of yall are underutilizing the BLOCK button

do you boo boo just leave me alone

do you boo boo just leave me alone

It's so weird getting complimented on my size when I'm literally the exact same size since forever! Like I want to tell them I haven't gotten smaller you've just gotten WAY bigger.

It's so weird getting complimented on my size when I'm literally the exact same size since forever! Like I want to tell them I haven't gotten smaller you've just gotten WAY bigger.