proportion setter
proportion setter



Blackplanet logoSince 2001


3k following

279 posts

BP.... what's really good with all the catfish?

BP.... what's really good with all the catfish?

Not looking forward to Thanksgiving without my Grandmother

Not looking forward to Thanksgiving without my Grandmother

Is it cuffing season yet?

Is it cuffing season yet?

Ladies, why does it matter what a man does for a living?

Ladies, why does it matter what a man does for a living?

Dying to see who in my inbox isn't a catfish

Dying to see who in my inbox isn't a catfish

I miss going out to a restaurant and having a good meal and drinks with good company. Damn you Covid.

I miss going out to a restaurant and having a good meal and drinks with good company. Damn you Covid.

Back in these streets. What it do BP?

Back in these streets. What it do BP?

I ask the same question every couple of months...when did BP become BPM?

I ask the same question every couple of months...when did BP become BPM?

Ladies I'm curious. What traits do you look for in a partner?

Ladies I'm curious. What traits do you look for in a partner?

Can't have a happy birthday when you have miserable people in your circle. To see me get what I want in life is a failure to them. Get them toxic people out of your life and achieve the goals you set for yourself. It's lonely at the top. Deal with it.

Can't have a happy birthday when you have miserable people in your circle. To see me get what I want in life is a failure to them. Get them toxic people out of your life and achieve the goals you set for yourself. It's lonely at the top. Deal with it.