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Blackplanet logoSince 2014


862 following

232 posts

pnb299 avatar image
pnb299@pnb299 NaN yr
pnb299 avatar image
pnb299@pnb299 NaN yr

What are benefits for a childless man or women in a relationship with person with kids?

What are benefits for a childless man or women in a relationship with person with kids?

pnb299 avatar image
pnb299@pnb299 NaN yr

Riddle: The man who made it sold it. The man who bought it never used it. The man who used it don’t even know it. What is it?

Riddle: The man who made it sold it. The man who bought it never used it. The man who used it don’t even know it. What is it?

pnb299 avatar image
pnb299@pnb299 NaN yr

Once you become a certain age, it’s your responsibility to unlearn behaviors that hinder your growth as a person

Once you become a certain age, it’s your responsibility to unlearn behaviors that hinder your growth as a person

pnb299 avatar image
pnb299@pnb299 NaN yr

If I had one wish, I would wish for everybody to live forever and young

If I had one wish, I would wish for everybody to live forever and young

pnb299 avatar image
pnb299@pnb299 NaN yr

Most people won’t participate in their own rescue.

Most people won’t participate in their own rescue.

pnb299 avatar image
pnb299@pnb299 NaN yr

Us black people are cool, we can own our own racial slur.

Us black people are cool, we can own our own racial slur.

pnb299 avatar image
pnb299@pnb299 NaN yr

Who up with me?

Who up with me?

pnb299 avatar image
pnb299@pnb299 NaN yr
pnb299 avatar image
pnb299@pnb299 NaN yr

Do you have more faith in men? Or you have more faith in God(higher power)? Let’s talk

Do you have more faith in men? Or you have more faith in God(higher power)? Let’s talk