proportion setter
proportion setter



Blackplanet logoSince 2001


230 following

224 posts

I learn that every action has a consequences. It's not what people do or say about you but what you react to that defines you. People are going to say and do what they want but when you know your worth there's nothing that they can do or say that hurt more then you already been hurt.

I learn that every action has a consequences. It's not what people do or say about you but what you react to that defines you. People are going to say and do what they want but when you know your worth there's nothing that they can do or say that hurt more then you already been hurt.

I just cook this meal and now I'm ready to eat.

I just cook this meal and now I'm ready to eat.

I just had my 38th birthday and now I'm going back to school next Monday. Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend on this nice day.

I just had my 38th birthday and now I'm going back to school next Monday. Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend on this nice day.

This is me going to the house of the lord.

This is me going to the house of the lord.

Hey I want to say be careful out here.

Hey I want to say be careful out here.

What's New With You?

What's New With You?

What's New With You?

What's New With You?

I had a good day today. I be at work Monday.

I had a good day today. I be at work Monday.

God is good to us and that feels good to me.

God is good to us and that feels good to me.