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The assassination of Black activist back then and now is due to racist in power preventing Black people from having life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Just like what white people enjoy. These racist feel threatened by Black people. The trump era proved that. Black people have the ability to dominate all facets of society as they have done for thousands of years before white people appeared on this planet.

The assassination of Black activist back then and now is due to racist in power preventing Black people from having life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Just like what white people enjoy. These racist feel threatened by Black people. The trump era proved that. Black people have the ability to dominate all facets of society as they have done for thousands of years before white people appeared on this planet.

Understand, all those racist things trump did as President (to include domestic policies) benefitted “All” white people whether they wanted it or not.

Understand, all those racist things trump did as President (to include domestic policies) benefitted “All” white people whether they wanted it or not.

Although Brady is getting the bulk of the praise for Tampa Bay Buccaneers winning the Super Bowl, Tampa Bay Buccaneers Offensive Coordinator Byron Leftwich and Defensive Coordinator Todd Bowles (both Black) should be getting a large amount of the credit for how they prepared their respective offense and defense for the Super Bowl. Being that the NFL and the media is systematically racist, they will most likely be slighted.

Although Brady is getting the bulk of the praise for Tampa Bay Buccaneers winning the Super Bowl, Tampa Bay Buccaneers Offensive Coordinator Byron Leftwich and Defensive Coordinator Todd Bowles (both Black) should be getting a large amount of the credit for how they prepared their respective offense and defense for the Super Bowl. Being that the NFL and the media is systematically racist, they will most likely be slighted.

Another racist law made under the global white supremacy system. This law disproportionately affects Black people and nonwhite people like all the voter suppression laws passed across the

Another racist law made under the global white supremacy system. This law disproportionately affects Black people and nonwhite people like all the voter suppression laws passed across the

ACLU stand on racial issues:

Racial Issues – The ACLU's Racial Justice Program combats racial discrimination in all aspects of society, including the educational system, justice system, and the application of the death penalty. However, the ACLU opposes state censorship of the confederate flag.

ACLU fights against racism but supports the confederate flag? How does that work?

ACLU stand on racial issues:

Racial Issues – The ACLU's Racial Justice Program combats racial discrimination in all aspects of society, including the educational system, justice system, and the application of the death penalty. However, the ACLU opposes state censorship of the confederate flag.

ACLU fights against racism but supports the confederate flag? How does that work?

What part of a Black person’s life does the global white supremacy system not control or manipulate?

What part of a Black person’s life does the global white supremacy system not control or manipulate?

Biden's Plan? (if that's what you want to call it)

"pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality."

Biden directed OMB to assess “whether underserved communities and their members face systemic barriers in accessing benefits and opportunities available.”

What does this even mean? Not only that, the second paragraph is very concerning. Biden wants an assessment on whether there is racism against Black people at every turn? I'm not sure what that second paragraph means but it does not bode well for Black people looking for real change.

Executive Orders by the president of the United States is a short term solution and can be easily overturned by congress, court system, supreme court, next president, etc... So this dude does not look like he is serious about helping to eradicate systemic racism against Black people in this country

Where are the LAWS to combat racism against Black people? (criminal justice, education, housing, economy, policing, etc...). I don't want no damn executive orders. Give me real racial equality.

Biden's Plan? (if that's what you want to call it)

"pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality."

Biden directed OMB to assess “whether underserved communities and their members face systemic barriers in accessing benefits and opportunities available.”

What does this even mean? Not only that, the second paragraph is very concerning. Biden wants an assessment on whether there is racism against Black people at every turn? I'm not sure what that second paragraph means but it does not bode well for Black people looking for real change.

Executive Orders by the president of the United States is a short term solution and can be easily overturned by congress, court system, supreme court, next president, etc... So this dude does not look like he is serious about helping to eradicate systemic racism against Black people in this country

Where are the LAWS to combat racism against Black people? (criminal justice, education, housing, economy, policing, etc...). I don't want no damn executive orders. Give me real racial equality.

How can the OPPRESSOR be the SAVIOR? 🤔

How can the OPPRESSOR be the SAVIOR? 🤔

So Biden’s first major domestic policy will be immigration reform. Has anyone wondered who immigration laws target? Nonwhite people is who these laws target. Have you ever heard anyone say “undocumented white person”? Or think of a white person as being undocumented even though they are not US citizens? US immigration laws prevents the influx of nonwhite white in the country and makes it harder for nonwhite people who are living in the country who are not yet citizens, become citizens.

Every nation governed by white people have the same types of immigration laws (to prevent the influx of nonwhite people). Some stricter than others (some countries governed by white people deport nonwhite people who are not yet citizens (predominantly Black) out of the country).

Biden’s first major domestic policy should be criminal justice reform. He campaigned to the Black communities that he would focus on this. He has the means to make it happen within his first year in office before the midterm elections (democrats may lose the house majority. If that happen, criminal justice reform will have a slim chance to none of passing congress). #JustSaying

So Biden’s first major domestic policy will be immigration reform. Has anyone wondered who immigration laws target? Nonwhite people is who these laws target. Have you ever heard anyone say “undocumented white person”? Or think of a white person as being undocumented even though they are not US citizens? US immigration laws prevents the influx of nonwhite white in the country and makes it harder for nonwhite people who are living in the country who are not yet citizens, become citizens.

Every nation governed by white people have the same types of immigration laws (to prevent the influx of nonwhite people). Some stricter than others (some countries governed by white people deport nonwhite people who are not yet citizens (predominantly Black) out of the country).

Biden’s first major domestic policy should be criminal justice reform. He campaigned to the Black communities that he would focus on this. He has the means to make it happen within his first year in office before the midterm elections (democrats may lose the house majority. If that happen, criminal justice reform will have a slim chance to none of passing congress). #JustSaying

Black Owned candle companies. #SupportBlackOwnedBusinesses

Black Owned candle companies. #SupportBlackOwnedBusinesses