proportion setter
proportion setter



Blackplanet logoSince 2003


337 following

30 posts

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Globe1@sircurl NaN yr
Globe1 avatar image
Globe1@sircurl NaN yr

who is still up?

who is still up?

Globe1 avatar image
Globe1@sircurl NaN yr

my pockets are in search of donations so if you would like to contribute to the cause bye all means do so at this time.

my pockets are in search of donations so if you would like to contribute to the cause bye all means do so at this time.

Globe1 avatar image
Globe1@sircurl NaN yr

its the weekend baby so be safe and remember to live and let live.

its the weekend baby so be safe and remember to live and let live.

Globe1 avatar image
Globe1@sircurl NaN yr

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you, be blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you, be blessed.

Globe1 avatar image
Globe1@sircurl NaN yr

lets make today a good day

lets make today a good day

Globe1 avatar image
Globe1@sircurl NaN yr

i am happily retired which makes everyday the weekend for me

i am happily retired which makes everyday the weekend for me

Globe1 avatar image
Globe1@sircurl NaN yr

good morning beautiful peoples

good morning beautiful peoples

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Globe1@sircurl NaN yr

on this day let us all be better today then we were yesterday

on this day let us all be better today then we were yesterday

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Globe1@sircurl NaN yr

black women are the most beautiful women in the world

black women are the most beautiful women in the world